Tuesday, 21 April 2015

Learning Math Through Problem Solving

We can say that regardless the appealing appearance of the formula, instead of memorizing it, it would be obviously more productive to discuss how the formula is derived, or at least why it is plausible that it is true. He or she might talk on the history of the theorem, and might need to illustrate some drawings. In addition, presenting it in a story-like manner would make math more interesting for kids. As we probably have experienced before, a good story usually makes it up for a difficult concept, because it makes math much more enjoyable.

 Another fun mode of educating kids in mathematics is through online games. There are quite a big number of websites which offer interactive games that help your kid understand the concepts of mathematics while at the same time, making learning an enjoyable experience. Not only free material is available online. Sometimes, quality material can be purchased at reasonable prices, which could really make a difference. Math doesn't get any easier with all the resources available nowadays.

In today's world it is clear that not all the responsibility of math learning is on the teachers. Parents too play an important role in the development of a kidýs learning process. There was one parent in California who was struggling to teach her kid about the various denominations of the dollar. Instead of just letting her daughter memorize how the coins look like and how much it is equivalent to, she set up an imaginary "toy store" wherein she tries to "buy toys" from her kid. This creativity and ingenuity did not only allow the kid to learn fast, but also made her understand the idea far better than the typical classroom scenario.

For mathematics to be entertaining, and to help you deal with math with your kids, mathematics should be presented in such a way that kids would remember the concepts and formulas easily. Creativity is the key, aside from having a full understanding of the principles behind.

A recent study by us suggests that word problems and metaphors are muddling up our numbers. In one experiment, several students were asked to solve equations based on direct instruction and metaphorical explanations. Researchers found that many of these descriptions actually led students to over-think questions and set up problems incorrectly. Much of the issues revolved around the concept of positive and negative numbers. In most cases, students avoided setting up equations using negative numbers and attempted to change the problems to only work with positive integers.

We argues that this is not a simple error on the part of the student but a "reluctance to accept negative numbers." She further explains that this "is closely linked to our desire to be able to concretise that which is abstract and understand negative numbers in terms of concepts such as debts, lifts or temperatures." However, many of these "concepts" are difficult to convey to students who lack correlative experiences.

We suggests a change in the way we explain mathematical theories. By focusing on numbers at an early age, students can better grasp the key concepts necessary to later approach word problems. The study further suggests that students recognition of symbology such as decimals or fractions develops faster than their perception of, say, a pizza pie cut in half to represent 1/2.
Click here to know more tips about problem solving Maths.

How Singapore Math Can Help Your Child Learn Math Concepts Easily?

Singapore maths is founded on the classical model for teaching mathematics to the children. This model of teaching mathematics has been formalized for the wider applicability. National curriculum of Singapore has contributed a lot in grooming the learners who understand the basics of mathematics well.

Methods are not quite innovative but instructions and fundamental basis are time tested. Material and instructions are provided in English. Many schools of United States are following this model as a standard. Singapore math is based on different approaches. Other than standard methods of teaching mathematics, study materials are designed in a way that students give logical answers with logical explanations to the questions of mathematics.

In many other countries and even in United States, a great emphasis is given to the memorization rule, and students are expected to generate mathematical ideas from practical experiences. But Singapore teaching model is the one by which child at any stage can ask questions relating to fundamentals for understanding, with "why" instead of memorizing the rules. Due to this intelligently designed structure of the curriculum, students produce the right answer in right time; that is why this homeschooling teaching model is always preferred by teachers and parents.

Singapore math is spirally structured, which means that anything or topic that has been taught in the past will not be taught again but will be revised in the following year, and discussions will start from the next level of what was taught in the past. Whereas in other countries, the topic restarts and moves towards the higher level. This spiral structure does not let the student lose the fundamental concepts, as repetition can be boring for the students; that is why students are always kept fresh and starved for getting towards the next or higher level.

Singapore maths is famous for making students focus on the concepts of mathematics unlike other models which teach math. This model lets a student to pick the concepts from the core, as the nature of Singapore math is exploratory and children ask questions and get conceptual answers instead of memorizing without deep knowledge.

Maths Learning Centre Singapore project by Scotts DIGITAL - One of the top marketing firms that is expert on branding your business using SEO.

Thursday, 16 April 2015

Solve several math problems using math problem solver

Hi friends, once again i am here to explain you few interesting math topics and also about a tool named as math problem solver. Let's start with the inequalities, in this the equation contains greater then(>), less then(<), greater then equal to(<=), and less then equal to(>=) symbols. Whenever you encounter these symbols in any equation understand that equation is of inequality. Do you know how to solve inequalities, relax my dear friends i will explain you how to solve inequalities. Solving inequalities means finding all possible solutions of the given equation. A solution of an inequality gives a number which when substituted for the variable in the equation of inequalities gives the inequality statement as true. Consider an inequality example and see how to solve inequalities .
x- 3> 6,
In this we can substitute '10' in place of 'x' which will give
10-3> 6,
7> 6.
so x = 10, and from 10 onwards all the values are possible for x as they all will give result as true. in many case inequalities have multiple solutions. after this let us switch to other topic that is complex fractions. you all are familiar with fractions, they are a part of whole number and you can define in form of p/q, where, p is numerator and q is denominator. Complex fraction is a type of fraction, in which numerator and denominator both are in fractional form. Let's see with the help of a few example of complex fractions ( 3/4)/(4/5), 6/(8/9), and other fractions which are in same form. Simplifying complex fractions are similar to simplification of fractions, in this we have to first simplify the numerator and denominator individually and they are combine them to get final answer. for example,(2/6)/(3/12),
In this first solve the numerator and denominator separately and then combine them together.
This is the simplified complex fraction.
After having brief idea of both the topics, lets switch the gear towards free math problem solver. it is an automatic tool that solves all type of math problems and various sub tools are embedded inside math problem solver. You can take help of problem solver anytime whenever you stuck to any problem. Many websites offer this tool to help students, and students are free to take help of any tool according to their prbolem. Apart from this, students can also take help of online tutors also. Kids enjoy problem solving maths using math solver.

What are the benefits of Tuition Centre for Students?

When children are not able to cope up with the lessons that are taught in the class rooms it could be really frustrating for them. They could lose their confidence and might feel really demotivated. Even parent find it very difficult when they see their children lagging behind in the studies. The best solution for such problem could be sending the child to tuition centre.

There are very many benefits that you could get by sending the child to tuition centre
Learning is made interesting:
Most of the children who are struggling to pass in their grades are finding learning as a difficult process. They feel the pressure of the teachers at school as well as their friends who are brilliant than them. All such factors will bring down their performance. Teachers at tuition centre are trained to change this attitude of the kid. They will use various techniques to make leaning much more interesting and fun. By making use of the modern methodology of teaching teachers at the tuition centre will provide a better environment for the children to catch up with his or her studies.

Quick improvement:
Its often seen that many children are finding it difficult to understand the subjects when they are taught in crowd. This is the main benefit of the tuition centre. Individual attention is given to the child that makes him more open to learning process. When he finds the subject interesting this will boost him to perform better in the exams. As a result there will quick improvements in his grades.

New learning approach:
At the tuition centre the teachers will apply various new and modern techniques that will develop interest for learning in the minds of the children. Special subjects tuition that needs more attention like maths tuition or the science tuition can be specifically selected based on the child's needs. By making use of the new learning strategies the tuition centre provide your child with interest in learning and they perform well without any pressure.


Increases confidence:
Most of the students who fail to perform well in the exams feel frustrated and disappointed. This will affect their confidence level making them very reserved. They compare themselves with their successful peers and feel the pressure. Even the parents of such children are very disappointed of their child's poor performance. All this adds up negative feelings to the child and thus will reduce his confidence level. Tuition centre will be able to provide appositive environment to the child and he will be happy to see his own improvement in his studies. As a result it will boost up his confidence level and thereby enable him to learn new lessons in short period of time.

Various options:
If your child is weak in only particular subjects then tuition centre will offer special coaching in those subjects. There are centre that are specifically providing maths tuition class and science tuition and so on. Based on the individual needs of the students the tuition centre will provide specific training and thereby make him strong in those subjects.

Monday, 13 April 2015

Math Lesson Plans for Primary School

 You can make math interesting and meaningful for children with fun materials, games and activities. Math for preschoolers goes beyond counting. Other math concepts include patterns, sorting and sets, number recognition, shapes, comparisons, measurements, time, money, addition and subtraction.
Throughout the day children use these concepts and learn math in ways that are natural for them. Simply playing with blocks introduces them to shapes. When they remind you that the big hand is on the 12 and therefore it is time for lunch; they are telling time. Most of what preschoolers learn about math does not come from dittos and worksheets. It comes from activities.
One activity that is a wonderful math lesson for preschoolers is called "A New Kind of 'Basket' Ball". For this activity, line up five baskets or bins in front of the children and label them with the numbers one through five. These number labels should not only have the written number digit, it should also have dots that represent the corresponding number. Place fifteen balls in front of the children as well. Ask them to put the right amount of balls into each basket; one ball should be in the basket with the number one on it and so on. This activity teaches math appropriately to preschoolers. Children not only need to experience math with concrete objects but also visually and symbolically through abstract activities. The concrete objects in this activity are the balls. The balls represent materials that the children can see and touch and use to visualize and verbalize their thoughts. The number labels on the baskets represent visualization. The children should be given illustrations or pictures that represent the concept you are teaching them. The dot on the number one card, two dots on the number two card, and so on, illustrates each number for the children. The dots also represent the symbol of the numbers they are working with.
Math concepts can also be reinforced for the children throughout the day on a regular basis. Try placing an enlarged number 12 above the 12 on the clock and label it "lunch time". Label your clock with as many of these types of labels that you can. This will help the children to recognize the way the clock looks when it is on the hour. Make sure to point out the clock when it is time for lunch by saying, "Look at the clock, it is time for lunch. See the little hand is on the 12".

You can also incorporate math through songs. If you are learning about monkeys, make it a point to sing, "Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed". The same concept can also be used when you are reading books to preschoolers. There are plenty of books that incorporate counting into their story and will follow the theme you are teaching.
Math is a concept that children will have to use for the rest of their lives and that will be continuously taught in school. By starting off their education with fun math activities, you can get them started with math the right way.
For more detailed information on Primary School Maths, please visit here.

Thursday, 9 April 2015

Learn Math the Fun Way - Tips for tutors


Learning mathematics can be boring for children. The reason is not because mathematics is hard to understand. Mathematics can be understood simply. The key is how the teacher teaches the subject. Thus, this is the major concern in a regular classroom setting. Teachers who teaches mathematics in the four corners of the room seldom uses traditional way of teaching the subject. Thus, a lot of students fail the subject and their common resort is for parents to hire a private tutor to assist their child to understand the concept of math effectively.
In this scene, how the child will perform in school, specifically on his math subject lies on the effectiveness of the tutor. Thus, the math tutor must be very resourceful to make every home tuition session as effective as he can. You see, teaching math subjects do not have to be boring at all. As a matter of fact, mathematics is among the subject that can be taught using different materials and teaching styles. It is up for the tutor to be creative and resourceful.
One way to make learning mathematics fun is by using simple things that can be seen around the household as an example for a math equation. For instance, if you are teaching multiplication, you can use the number of people in their household and their pair of shoes. You can ask the child to count how many are they in their house and how many pair of shoes are their. Ask them to multiply the pair of shoes to the total number of person in the household.
You can also use their favorite food. For example, you can use candies to teach them division. Ask them to divide the candies that they have to the total number of people in the house. Dividing a pie or a pizza is another fun way of learning how to divide. Blocks, sticks, board games are just few of the many educational toys that you can use in order to make learning more fun. There are also a lot of educational computer games that you can use as reinforcement in every lesson.
 Student finds a hard time learning math not because the subject is hard but because the manner of teaching is not captivating at all. They find math boring. The tendency is they will not listen to their teacher, thus they will not be able to understand what is being taught. Remember that math is a cumulative subject. Meaning, every concept is interrelated with each other. You cannot understand a new concept unless you are able to understand the previous one. Therefore, in order for a student to pass his math subject, he must not miss to understand a single concept. Thus, the teacher must be able to get the attention of the student to get him to listen to every lecture.
This is where the challenge to math tutor lies. As a tutor, you need to make the subject as interesting as possible. All you need to do is to be creative and resourceful in using your learning materials. Of course, textbooks are always a good reference. But, you do not need to limit yourself to textbooks. It must be your own prerogative to explore many resources around you. The internet is another good source of information. So do not just focus on one reference. Explore more. Children are very visual. They learn more through visual and hands on activities.
Know more about Maths Is Fun.

Using Math Worksheets

What are math worksheets and what are they used for? These are math forms that are used by parents and teachers alike to help the young kids learn basic math such as subtraction, addition, multiplication and division. This tool is very important and if you have a small kid and you don't have a worksheet, then its time you got yourself one or created one for your kid. There are a number of sites over the internet that offer free worksheets that are downloadable and printable for use by parents and teachers at home or at school.
If you cannot purchase a math work sheet because you think you may not have time to, then you can create on using your home computer and customize it for your kid. Doing this is easy. All you need is Microsoft word application in your computer to achieve this. Just open the word application in your computer and start a new document. Ensure that the new document you are about to create is based on a template. Then, ensure that your internet connection is on before you can search the term "math worksheet" from the internet. You will get templates of all kinds for your worksheet. Choose the one you want and then download.
Once downloaded, you can customize the math worksheet to suit your kid. The level of the child in school will determine the look and content of the worksheet. Use the school textbook that your child uses at school as a reference guide to help you in the creation of the math worksheet. This will ensure that the worksheet is totally relevant to the kid and will help the child improve his or her grades in school.
The math worksheet is not only for the young children in kindergarten and early primary school Maths; they are also used for tutoring high school and university students to keep the students' math skills sharp. The sites that offer these worksheets have helped a lot and this resource is now a common thing to use for all kinds and levels of educators. The formats for the worksheets differ according to the level and content of the worksheets. For the young kids it is preferable to have the worksheet in large print, while the older students commonly use the small print ones that are simple and uncluttered.
The most important thing about these math worksheets is that they are used for tutoring and not for the main course studies. That is why they are used by tutors to offer remedial tuition and by parents at home so that they can offer their kids extra tuition to sharpen their skills. Math is known to be difficult and is often a headache for the young and so the math worksheets come in handy in helping resolve this problem. Thanks to the sites over the internet that offer free printable math worksheets, you do not need to worry about the cost of purchasing one, maybe only the ink cost. So don't go making excuses for not being able to access a math work sheet.

Math Methods and Beliefs for Singapore Maths

At least for me, Math is one of the most difficult subjects to teach a child. This is especially true if you are homeschooling and you need to be the math teacher. When I started teaching my children, I was worried I would never be able to teach them how to be really good at math considering it isn't exactly my strong point.
I was very blessed to come across a program called Singapore Math. I was amazed at how differently they taught math compared to all of the other math programs I have come across. In fact, Singapore Math has been teaching me right along with my children. The concepts are presented in such a way that everyone can learn.

Singapore is known for having the highest math scoring students in the world. Singapore Mathematics teaches your child the exact same way and gives them the head start they need to become math geniuses. I became a believer of the Singapore Math curriculum when I saw the results in my own children.

They caught on very quickly with Singapore Math compared to the other math we had tried. They understood the material better, and still know how to effortlessly apply what they learned last year. That is proof of a great math curriculum.

I have found that there is a huge difference in the way Singapore Math teaches my children how to think about math. Sure, they learn to memorize things like any other math curriculum, but with Singapore Math, children learn to think about problems in several different ways.
For example, with the very small children, this curriculum will show them a sequence of numbers like 3, 4, 5, and 6. With these numbers, they will have to memorize them and decide if the sequence goes forward or backward. 

Other sequences will have numbers missing, and the child will decide which numbers are missing, where they go, and if the sequence goes forward or backward.

This requires the student to focus on thinking about the numbers rather than taking the easy way out by just memorizing them. While other programs teach you how to do math, this program teaches you how to understand math. The colorful pictures and entertaining characters really add a nice element to the material as well.

One of the Singapore Maths methods I truly enjoy is the way they present math problems to my children. Most math curriculums give children a problem to learn how to solve. In order to help them solve it, they will show children how to place the problem within a formula.

With Singapore Mathematics the children learn each and every step of a problem, which gives them a greater understanding of how math works. They will then be provided with the problem as a whole, and this ensures that they are already familiar with the individual parts of the problem, so the entire problem is not overwhelming to them.

Singapore Math is just great for parents who want to raise intellectual thinkers. Children who understand the concepts of mathematics from the inside out can more easily solve problems and figure out answers to other types of problems. This is the reason that the Singapore curriculum is my first choice, and will continue to be as my children grow.

A kindergarten maths project by Scotts DIGITAL - One of the top marketing firms that specialised in branding your business using search engine.

Creating an Effective Math Workshop Structure

Establishing routine in the classroom is a crucial step to having a successful year for your students (and yourself as the teacher). In this style of math workshop, students spend the majority of the time engaged in the same type of math at the same time. This gives the teacher more time to travel to groups of students (ideally groups of 4) in order to assist and help students find their "just-right" level for the day's concept. Described below are the parts of my take on math workshop. These are described under the assumption that the teacher tells the class when students are "moving" from one part of the workshop to the next. Moving has been placed in quotation marks, as this is a mental shift between parts, not a physical movement. In this version of workshop, the teacher is to one moving until Part four. Once the class is ready for this math rotation and math conferring, it is a quick transition of no more than 2 minutes.

Part I. Math Focus (5 minutes) - In the first part of maths activity class, students enter the room and head with their math notebooks, black data binders, and pencils to their "group spots" on the carpet. Together as a class, we read the math focus question of the day. This often changes with the official math target, but is almost always a "how can I?" question.
The next step of the math focus is to review the official math target and then for students to rate themselves on their understanding of this statement. We use a 4 point rating scale.
Students then have a chance to review the 8 standards for mathematical practice and then to recite our 5 "math talk" words. This list changes depending on the needs of students and on the unit of study.

Part II. Math Talk (10-20 minutes) - Math talk can look very different from day-to-day, but always includes a teacher-directed mini-lesson focused on either a strategy, skill, vocabulary, review, or game

Part III. Partner Math (10 minutes) - The Partner Math portion of Math Workshop also varies throughout a unit, while math partners throughout each unit remain constant. This is a built-in time to practice the Math Talk of the day with at least one other student. We have 5 groups in our room, and each group has the chance for differentiated practice problems based on the math focus of the day.

This is also a chance to learn how to help and encourage others, explain math thinking, read about math in the real world, and to look for faster ways to solve problems. Before we transition into Part IV, we have a quick group summary. This is a chance to state what was practiced and to ask any questions or celebrations about the Math Talk. We will also have a check of how we are rating ourselves on our math target.

Part IV. Math Rotations with Math Conferring (20 minutes) - This is the time for students to finish any partner math assignment and then to focus on their own math goals. Sometimes there will be practice sheets, other times a game or manipulative activity, and other times students will have a chance for online math practice via one of our free math programs. Groups of students have one rotation each day in order for this specific math practice to happen. One of these rotations is meeting with the teacher. During this time, students may have a quick assessment on the current math concept. This is also a time to think and talk deeply about the math concepts at "just-right" levels for students. The last 5 minutes of math workshop are devoted to students working on an exit slip or other formative assessment option.